SWOT Analysis of CPG Technology.
Annual business in the world is about one hundred trillion dollars, it is called world GDP.
If such green energy is found that is completely free of cost, environment friendly and doubles
the efficiency of labor,
then the world GDP can be doubled. That is, if the value of the technology that increases the
business in the world from one hundred trillion dollars to two hundred trillion dollars in one
year, the price of such technology is one hundred trillion dollars, it is not much. Because the
technology that earns the world GDP 100, trillion dollars every year cannot be
expensive in 100, trillion dollars. It is with great pleasure to report that the great invention
of the present century, Innovative
Clean Power Generation CPG technology, can easily double the world's production. While only 100
shares of CPG technology have been made and currently ten shares are offered to the
world. On the moments auction price of the CPG technology’s shares is nominal, meaning that the
price of
a share is currently
only one hundred billion dollars, which is a golden opportunity for the world.