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1. What is CPG technology?

The Clean Power Generation (CPG) is an innovative state of the art Game-Changer Modern-Technology that provides free, environmentally friendly, green and clean Energy to its users.

2. How does technology affect the economy?

CPG is a game changer and a revolutionary technology that can powerfully supersedes all other available expensive and unaffordable energy technologies. Since it is inexpensive, its availability can drastically impact the economy positively with huge rise in economic activity in all industrial and agricultural sectors.

3. What is the source being used in CPG?

The source of energy is the eX-MATTER which is a modern age energy source and is a new discovery in energy sector. it consists of two powerful hidden forces of nature that cannot be felt or processed without the CPG mechanism.

4. What are the disadvantages of technology?

There are no disadvantages or side effects of CPG technology.

5. What kinds of CPG technology benefits you most excited about?

CPG energy technology will bring a revolution in human life as it will uplift the poor countries specifically and will speed up the global economic activity besides ending reliance on inadequate and expensive energy supplies of the world. As far as environment is concerned its adoption will end the major Global problems of Climate change, Global warming and Energy resources depletion. Also the world will never face again the problems of Expensive power generation, Unaffordable energy supplies, Global inflation and economic recession etc.

6. How CPG technology make your life easier?

In the present age free and environment friendly clean energy is a blessing and essential need of the world. Therefore, upon its commercial launch in the global market, people's lives will become much easier.

7. What does it mean to be “smarter” than all existing energies sources?

CPG technology is smarter than its rival renewable or non-renewable energy technologies i.e. fossil fuels, nuclear, solar, wind, hydro-power, bio-mass, geo-thermal, hydrogen fuel cell and under research energy technologies etc. The adoption of CPG energy technology can solve the major Global problems of Climate change, Global warming, Energy resources depletion, Expensive power generation, Unaffordable energy supplies, Global inflation and economic recession. Thus, the CPG technology is a blessing and is a phenomenon of the present century that ensures inexpensive and clean energy supplies for everyone that makes it “Smarter” than all other available forms of renewable and non-renewable energy technology.

8. Is the eX-Matter free or need to buy it?

It is absolutely a free energy source.

9. Is the eX-Matter available everywhere in the world?

Fortunately, it is a universal energy source.

10. Like Solar and wind energies, is it different amount at different times or have in same amount?

It comes in the same amount everywhere at all times in every corner of the universe.

11. Can the x-matter be measured, weighed, or felt?

A normal human cannot feel it, it can only be measured and felt in CPG technology or lab.

12. Will eX-Matter ever end or will it always be available?

Happily, it will never end or diminish.

13. Can a powerful country occupy the eX-Matter?

No one can take possession of the eX-matter, nor can it be carried from one place to another, it is everywhere it is used.

14. Can it be used in any other generator or power station without CPG?

After 21 years of work in a high-profile team after the discovery of the eX-Matter, found a technology that could convert the eX-matter into electrical power.

15. Why are eX-Matter properties not being disclosed?

CPG technology has been invented to convert the eX-Matter into electrical power therefore the eX-Matter cannot be disclosed until CPG's world Patent.

16. How much time will it take to launch the structure of CPG in the world?

Considering the advanced features of CPG and the global demand, it can be estimated that the CPG technology structure will be launched in the world in two to three years.

17. What are the advantages of CPG technology?

<p>CPG is an environment friendly source of energy that requires a low capital for its installation and its operating cost is even lower than all other renewable or non-renewable energies i.e. fossil fuels, nuclear, solar, wind, hydro-power, bio-mass, geo-thermal, hydrogen fuel cell energy technologies etc.</p> <ul> <li>CPG is environment friendly technology.</li> <li>Its adoption to contribute positively on climate change phenomenon</li> <li>It is non-hazardous and non-dangerous energy technology.</li> <li>It requires low capital for its installation and operation.</li> <li>It ends the need to adopt expensive, hazardous or dangerous energy sources.</li> <li>It positively impacts economic activity.</li> <li>It is capable to meet 100% Global energy demand.</li> </ul>

1. What are some of the greatest technological features of CPG?

This affordable Mother nature technology can replace all other existing renewable and non-renewable energy sources that are damaging to the environment and consuming billions of dollars besides miserably failing to meet the Global energy demand. Thus, CPG is the Only answer to the now obsolete all these renewable and non-renewable energies as it supersedes and overcome the bottlenecks of these obsolete energies and can ensure to meet the total Global energy demand. CPG has an edge over all the other renewable and non-renewable energy technologies including presently under research technologies as it is an advanced energy technology source which is inexpensive and can meet 100% demand of the Global energy requirement.

1. How do we make sure that CPG technology serves us, and not the other way around?

CPG is non-damaging to the environment and is inexpensive for its users. So, it has no damaging effects on environment or on climate change. It serves its users by replacing the unaffordable and hazardous energy sources thus guaranteeing health, safety, quality life, quality environment and energy supplies as per required demand.

1. Can you name a country that is using CPG technology in an interesting or unique way right now?

Presently, CPG technology is on its stepping stone and in introduction phase. However, upon its commercialization it will be a free to use technology available Globally.