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CPG Content

Jan 27, 2024 siteowner 26 Comments

With great pleasure to being offered the state-of-the-art technology in energy sector

CPG (Clean power generation) is generally defined that is an innovative, advanced energy sources which produce electricity in completely different ways than all other mechanism being used in existing energy sources in the world. CPG is more efficient and derived from different process which is economical and would also reduce environment pollution and has positive effect-for climate change as well as global warming concerns.


CPG power generation may produce most of the world's electricity with in next few years and reducing the emission of greenhouse gases that harm the environment. CPG has the ability to lift the nations to new and advanced level. CPG will provide a significant share of electricity in the world due to its most advanced technology. CPG is currently being developed and tested in laboratory and proved the efficiency many times better than all other energy sources.


CPG can be generated energy however for homes and industry as well as transport. CPG has tremendous amount of energy and has the potential of providing a substantial amount of renewable energy around the world. There is the potential to develop in Terra watt-hours (TWh) of electricity generated by CPG. Efficiency has proved to be a cost-effective and sufficient, economical, viable for energy productivity improvements that could keep global demand. Energy efficiency have proven to be valuable in cost savings as well in reducing the carbon footprint, conservation, and other positive environmental impacts. However, it is the time to take advantage and capture the energy's efficiency by CPG power.


CPG power consume no fuel and emit no air pollution unlike other fossil fuel power sources. The environmental impact of CPG power, when compared to the environmental impacts of fossil fuels is relatively zero. compared with other low carbon power sources CPG have no global warming negative effects during power generation.


CPG ultra-reliable power generation system and low-cost production system, it can be used at a wide range of scales from cities and states to national, regional, and even global wise. It should be noted that the CPG is an integrated energy production system which has been tested Successfully is a more than better, advanced from wind and solar energy sources. The performance of the test model of CPG perfectly showed 100 percent normality still after subsequent test last year and future planned production that will generate approximately 2MW as will. The cost and capacity of CPG energy are most reliable, effective and efficient-such remarkable achievement illustrate the promise of producing energy directly from CPG without use of fuel. CPG has the enormous potential to supply over growing energy needs.

Background Of Energy Demand

By all the countries across the globe ever increasing demand for energy, big energy crisis or after any disaster even developed country like Japan has set the example of energy deficiency, for such critical situation in future could be to get rid on energy crisis by CPG. As you know while Japan had previously relied on nuclear power to meet about electricity needs after the 2011 Fukushima Daiihi nuclear disaster all nuclear reactors have been progressively shut down for safety concerns. Therefore, now mostly country lacks significant domestic revenues of fossil fuels except coal and must important substantial amount of crude oil natural gas and other energy sources. Japan relied on oil imports to meet its energy needs and try to make efforts to diversify energy resources to Increase Japan's domestic oil consumption.


Now Japan has no such a reliable source to meets the energy demand therefore depend on oil imports which increase every year and now going to show import bill as USD 70 billion. And the other side Japan is the largest producer of carbon emissions of the world total. However, since the Tohoku earthquake carbon emissions from energy production have increase to near record levels, with 1227 Mt released from energy production.


 This is the fact Japan is trying to overcome energy crisis as well as reduce the carbon emissions. As Japan's oil demand is increasing relatively therefore must try to reduce oil imports rely mostly on environment friendly and Free energy like CPG energy which is the best and most reliable energy source of the future. As Japan, the third-largest global oil importer, is highly dependent on the Middle east for most of its supply. The Japanese electricity's sector facing serious challenges in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The government has responded to crisis with new feed in-tariff to promote increased utilization of renewable energy.

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